Our professional coaching practice brings qualified, highly experienced, accredited business coaches who have a common goal to engage with clients in a manner that manifests in performance uplift.
We operate our own successfully validated 4P coaching model:
- Purpose – All organisations have a purpose, so must any coaching activity; clear on current state, desired state and in convergence with business objectives
- People – No leader can operate successfully on their own and coaching effectiveness impacts not just the coachee but their team/colleagues also
- Performance – Results are at the heart of coaching, or certainly should be. We set performance goals initially and drive forward with this as joint coachee/coach objectives
- Progress – Nothing quite so motivates as gaining forward momentum towards agreed objectives. With this in mind we set inch pebbles as well as clear milestones, celebrating success as we move forward
We have a successful proven coaching track record in:
- Executive performance and behavioural shifts
- Talent management/new leaders support
- On-boarding for success
- Team coaching
- Transition support
- Continuous performance improvement projects
- Regulatory/compliance support